A Great Books school might be the last place you’d expect to find a robust athletics program—after all, there are only three intercollegiate sports on campus, 其中之一就是槌球. But sports 和 fitness are a huge part of life at St. 约翰的. Don’t get us wrong: this is not a school full of football fanatics or strenuous athletes (though of course there are some!), but the intramural program is considered by many to be an important extension of the academic Program. 如果你不喜欢团队运动, 尝试击剑, 航行, or any of the many watersports available in the Hodson Boathouse, or hit the gym—affectionately called Temple Iglehart—for a workout class or some 举重训练. 重要的是你要继续前进. 访问这里的小时和详细信息.
德鲁伊教. Greenwaves. 监护人. 骗子. 斯巴达人. 找到你的团队.
The much-beloved intramural program is a mainstay of extracurricular life in 安纳波利斯, with more than 50 percent of the student body participating. 全体成员,包括学生, 教师, 和 staff members—are automatically sorted into one of the college’s five intramural teams: the 德鲁伊教, Greenwaves, 监护人, 骗子, 和斯巴达人. (它不像看上去那么霍格沃茨.) Participation is voluntary, 和 alumni, parents, 和 siblings are welcome to play. Emphasis is placed on teamwork 和 friendly competition, 和 the communication 和 interpersonal skills developed through the sports are considered an extension of the work started in seminar. 体育项目包括足球, 雅典理性球(这是约翰尼的东西…), 篮球, 排球, 极限飞盘, 初中的, 和手球, 虽然每年都有变化. Loyalty to your team is a big thing around here—just ask the alumni.
请查看 事件日历.
While all women 和 non-cisgendered members of the Polity are welcome to participate in the intramural program (和 many do), 他们也可以在Kunai比赛. 联盟, named for an Ancient Greek word referring to the hellhounds in the works of Homer, 提供了足球, 初中的, 排球, 篮球, 和更多的. Kunai is home to both friendly 和 fierce competition.
Johnnie Rae-Ann Clement describes the league this way: “The Ancient Greek word κυναι simply means dog, 但我们认为这意味着更多. We describe ourselves as bold, brazen, 和 beautiful. We are dedicated to creating a healthy 和 fun environment where [we] can learn to play sports 和 grow as athletes. It might sound like a kind of kumbaya thing, 和 that’s because it is. We are a group, a unit, a family, a pack of hellhounds.”
健身房? 不,这是圣殿.
Iglehart大厅, lovingly called Temple Iglehart by students 和 教师, 设有一个全尺寸的篮球场, 悬挂式跑道, 重量的房间, 有氧运动室, 乒乓球, 还有舞蹈工作室. Athletic equipment of all kinds is available for loan.
Temple Iglehart is also home to a rotating schedule of workout classes, 包括瑜伽, 核心类, 举重训练, 和更多的. 看到 事件日历.
霍德森船屋, 坐落在校园的尽头, 让学生可以方便地前往College Creek, 塞文河, 和切萨皮克湾.
高耸在后校园的学院溪上, Hodson Boathouse has long served as a resource for students, 教师, 和 staff looking to take advantage of the college’s waterfront location. The decades-old facility serves as a home base for the St. 约翰的 crew 和 航行团队s (和 has plenty of space for receptions, 宴会, 和其他事件).
除了加入船员或帆船队, 学生们可以划独木舟, 皮艇, paddleboards, 帆船, 和 other watersports equipment from the Boathouse. 事件 like the Under the Stars Paddle encourage students at all skill levels to get out on the water 和 make the most of the campus waterfront.
St. 约翰的 College competes in a variety of intercollegiate athletics, 从帆船赛到一年一度的 槌球比赛 反对海军学院.
Located on College Creek, 安纳波利斯 offers many opportunities for water sports. 霍德森船屋 on the back campus serves as headquarters for an 现役船员计划,其中包括扫桨划艇和双桨. The crew team practices multiple mornings per week 和 competes in intercollegiate regattas.
Interested in learning how to play croquet with some of the best players in the country? 澳门金沙网赌登陆的 College croquet team typically participates in the United States 槌球 Association Collegiate Division—和 holds more national titles than any other team in the league. The team challenges the Naval Academy to the 安纳波利斯 Cup match each spring, which is one of biggest 和 most beloved campus traditions.
忠实于澳门金沙网赌登陆的 spirit, all students are welcome to join the team, even if they have no prior experience. Practices consist mostly of games, rather than repetitive exercises. Players simultaneously learn the physical aspects of the sport 和 the strategies needed to win. Members of the croquet team are usually out on the field several times a week, 愿意给新人上课.
澳门金沙网赌登陆的 College 击剑 Union is a year-round club. Fencers practice 和 compete in all three modern weapons—foil, 重剑, 佩刀装备也可以使用.
The club hosts tournaments on behalf of the Maryl和 Division of the United States 击剑 Association, open to all USFA members of the appropriate ranking. The undergraduate students also compete against other collegiate teams in the Baltimore-Washington Collegiate 击剑 Conference (BWCFC), a 12-school consortium of varsity 和 club fencing teams.
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学院也有一个 欧洲历史武术(HEMA)俱乐部.
澳门金沙网赌登陆的校际 航行团队 is to introduce students to the exciting world of competitive 航行. As a member of the Mid-Atlantic Intercollegiate 航行 Association, the St. 约翰的 College 航行 Team competes in three to four regattas per semester in FJs 和 lasers. The 航行团队 has a dedicated coach 和 practices several times a week, including occasional scrimmages with the Naval Academy.